As with everything on our planet, both oxygen and antioxidants have two sides, the positive and the negative. On one side, free radicals will age us quicker; on the other side, without them we have no immune system. It is not well known that oxygen is bound to our hemoglobin as a superoxide anion, so the oxygen in our breathing process is already there as a radical.

It is the same with antioxidants. Antioxidants are often prescribed to be taken along with the use of ozone. These are not simply opposites that cancel each other out, but rather, a thoughtful optimization, since most antioxidants have very specific tasks. Vitamin E is active at the cell membrane. Vitamin C is itself a radical that can speed the electron flow through oxidation. If ozone is taken for a long time at a high dose, it is wise to take Vitamin A as a preventive measure to prevent the problems of Vitamin A deficiency.

In summary, both effects have their function and their place in a symbiotic relationship.

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Note: The use of Ozone by doctors is illegal in some states in the US so please check local laws, information presented here is for educational, historical, and research purposes only.

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